Welcome to Strategy + Action

Steve Spiro

Steve Spiro Profile Photo

Master Connector

Steve Spiro started his first company right out of college in advertising. Additionally, he holds a 4th degree black belt in Karate & 1st degree in Jujitsu, including having his own Karate studio. Steve contributes much of his successes to a strong work ethic, a can-do, never-quit attitude, discipline, integrity and fearlessness that he cultivated in the martial arts. Steve is a master connector with over 17,000 contacts in his phones and over 16,000 connections on LinkedIn. He does a LinkedIn Live broadcast every week called the Master Connector Show. He eventually pivoted from advertising into technology and now is a business automation consultant. Steve is big on self-development and loves to inspire people to get out of their comfort zone too, through speaking engagements or coaching and mentoring.

The topics Steve likes to speak on are:
1. How to really connect
2. How do you go from inward and self-focused into others focused
3. Leveraging LinkedIn to grow your business
4. Overcoming big obstacles

April 13, 2022

Ep37 Steve Spiro - The Power of Connecting Authentically

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = The Power of Connecting Authentically Steve Spiro is on the show today. And we dig into one of my favorite topics in the world, which is connecting. And we both use this …

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