Welcome to Strategy + Action

Lydia Sugarman

Lydia Sugarman Profile Photo


Over my career, I have developed a talent for quickly understanding your business and brainstorming custom strategies for success. Via experience spanning multiple business verticals, including financial services, travel, entertainment, and digital with multiple startups and SMEs.

Other really wonderful experiences included producing art exhibitions in New York and Moscow, including the first “unofficial” artist to show at the Central House of Artists, produced independent films including Vin Diesel’s first short film "MultiFacial" that launched his movie career, skied the Alps, climbed the Great Wall, raced in outlaw bike messenger races in New York and San Francisco, and survived the Silicon Valley startup environment.

For fun, I hike, bike, read recipes, cook, and I started knitting again!.

July 10, 2023

Ep83 Lydia Sugarman - RevOps Power and Running Your Business from a Single Login

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = RevOps and Running Your Business from a Single Login Welcome to Strategy + Action with your host Jason Croft! In this episode, Jason interviews Lydia Sugarman. Lydia is the CEO of Vennti...