Welcome to Strategy + Action

Bodhi Aldridge

Bodhi Aldridge Profile Photo

Guide, Teacher & Facilitator in Presence, Purpose & Passion

Men need to remember their magnificence. Bodhi’s journey as a father, a grandfather, a lawyer, a coach and a facilitator has taken him across the world diving deep into traditional teachings and contemporary leadership development so that he could find his magnificence and bring those teachings to other men. Bodhi’s commitment to self-development, to life-long learning and to supporting men in business has allowed him to influence and support many organizations and leaders around the globe. He guides men to develop presence, open their hearts, and integrate their masculine and feminine energy so they can start paying attention to what matters most. Bodhi lives at the beach near Byron Bay with his wife of 40 years; has 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

Check out some of the resources Bodhi mentioned in the episode here: https://bodhialdridge.com/resources/

June 15, 2023

Ep82 Bodhi Aldridge - Creating a Path to Freedom Through the Power of…

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Creating Alignment and the Path to Freedom Through Commitment 🔥 Get Aligned, Find Freedom, and Create Presence! 🔥 Welcome to another mind-blowing episode of Strategy + Action with your h...

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