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Feb. 1, 2023

Ep64 Drew Deraney - How to Transform Lives By Solving Your Own Problem

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Transforming Lives By Solving Your Own Problem

In this powerful episode, I talk to  Drew Deraney, a man who has faced his own struggles and is now on a mission to help others. 

Mental health can be a difficult and taboo subject for men, but Drew is breaking the mold and starting important conversations. As the founder of Men Supporting Men Collaboration Tribe, he is creating a safe and supportive space for men to express their emotions and seek help when they need it. 

This episode is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand the challenges that men face when it comes to mental health and the importance of creating a supportive community. 


Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Transforming Lives By Solving Your Own Problem

Drew Deraney joins the show today to discuss the impact coaches and consultants have on people's lives and organizations. He has created an amazing men's group to elevate the conversation and provide support to men in need of help. Drew has taken the events of his life and created a solution he couldn't find by creating his men's group, Men Supporting Men Collaboration Tribe. The topic of the show is around building the solution that he never had and how to that solution into a way to help others.

After spending 24 years in the healthcare field, Drew left to pursue his own business, but found he lacked the necessary support and solutions. This led him to reflect on a difficult 9-month period in 2018, during which he followed societal expectations of not asking for help. Upon reflection, he realized that if he had sought out support and assistance, he would have emerged stronger, healthier, and more empowered. Thus, inspired by this revelation, Drew started a group for the purpose of providing support and assistance to other men who may find themselves in similar situations. This group is intended to provide assistance through networking, rather than trial and error, and Drew hopes it will be successful.

This year with his Mens Group and new book, I'll Have What She's Having, presents an exciting opportunity to explore the idea of men asking for help, which is often seen as a taboo topic in society.  In light of this, he has established a men’s collaboration tribe known as the “Men’s Supporting Men” group to create a community of great men with the goal of making a bigger impact. The group meets four times a month to discuss topics such as financial, business, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and physical needs, and experts are invited to speak to the group.

This group is focused on connection and collaboration between mission-driven individuals. It is a place for members to learn and support, where they can discover new tactics and strategies to help their lives and businesses, and discuss their struggles. The group consists of eight strong, great men who have gone through struggles and are now looking to lend their support to others, creating a ripple effect of positive impact.

After experiencing a series of life-altering events, Drew was able to find clarity and strength to persevere by looking outside of himself and seeing his three children and grieving mother. With this newfound strength, he has decided to help others in similar situations, believing that even the smallest of efforts can make a huge difference. Drew has realized that having a strong sense of self-worth and the courage to ask for help are essential to overcoming challenging circumstances.

Through clarity, an individual can turn perceived barriers into opportunities. Taking action upon these opportunities and progressing can lead to increased self-worth. This is known as the COPE Paradigm (Clarity, Opportunity, Progression, and Evolution). Having confidence in one's self-worth is important to make positive changes, and external sources of motivation can be helpful in this process. Drew believes that a movement of authenticity is needed in the world and is aiming to spread the word on a global scale through public speaking and a podcast.

It is through grassroots efforts that people who have experienced difficult times can begin to replace regret with gratitude and fear with desire and faith. These life-changing elements can help others, but also require individuals to form new habits, break down old ones, and challenge any belief systems formed by the age of 18 that may no longer align with their true self-identity.

This episode is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand the challenges that men face when it comes to mental health and the importance of creating a supportive community.

Drew Deraney Profile Photo

Drew Deraney

Chief Resilience Officer
