Today on the show, Strategy + Action = How to Ask on LinkedIn
I've got Scott Aaron on the show to discuss how to effectively ask on LinkedIn. From courses and masterminds to building trust and creating engagement on your posts, Scott shares his expertise on how to show up professionally online, specifically on LinkedIn.
Don't miss this valuable conversation on the best ways to ask for what you want, whether it be a sale or simply more engagement with your content.
Tune in for a wealth of knowledge and actionable tips on how to succeed on LinkedIn and beyond.
Jason Croft
Welcome to strategy and action. Scott Aaron is on the show today. And we have a blast talking LinkedIn, courses, masterminds, all this fun stuff. And really some of the best ways to show up professionally, wherever you are, specifically online and in certainly around LinkedIn, and this concept of making sure that we ask on LinkedIn. And then if we are asking not just for the sale, or that phone call, but asking for engagement on post, not just the fact that you should be doing it and so many people aren't, but also how to do it, how to do it the best way possible. And then some of those ancillary elements that need to be in place if you if you are asking, right. What are you putting out there to create that trust factor that know like and trust, right, that we all should be building and developing? This is a great episode with Scott, you're going to love it. There's so much value here. Let's jump in. Scott, Aaron, welcome to the show.
Scott Aaron
grateful to be here, and looking forward to diving into everything that we're going to talk about today.
Jason Croft
Again, this is this is so fun. I had the good fortune to see you present in Steven Cameron's group. Last Tuesday, last week, week before,
Scott Aaron
yeah, it was like a week and a half ago. And then you know, I got a message from you. And I was like, Yeah, let's do this. Let's, let's collaborate. It's what I'm big on. So it's why we're here.
Jason Croft
That's right. Fantastic. Yeah. And, you know, we're talking LinkedIn, specifically your area of expertise, and, and we'll go into a lot of these areas, a lot of the world why should I listen to you, Scott, you know, because you have plenty of answers for him. I already know. And, you know, this, this core idea, this topic I want to I want to dig into, is really how to ask on LinkedIn. And that applies to a lot of things. But I love your you know, your distinction there, the funeral mask, you're not going to get anything. And I really want to dive into that. But also the full gamut of what what that means. That doesn't just mean asking for the sale. It's asking for connection and all these other areas. What's, give me a little, little, little bit of nugget around that and where that comes from?
Scott Aaron
Well, it comes back to and goes back to when I when I started working with my first business coach, Jeffrey Combs about God almost 10 years ago, and I was recovering people pleaser. So I just, you know, constantly bent over backwards. And I had trouble receiving meaning if someone was going to offer it, you know, oh, no, don't give me money. Like it just there was a bad relationship there. And had to overcome a lot of those things. And the other thing that I learned from him is this, asked to get mentality. And he said, If you know, if you want specific results in your business, you have to ask questions to get answers, because those answers will reveal ways that you can help people. So I took that concept, and then applied it to LinkedIn and the multiple facets and ways that you can. So when people think ask questions, they think, oh, when I'm messaging someone, I should ask a question. Well, that's obvious. And I've said this on trainings that if you want to book more sales calls or more discovery calls for collaborations, you have to ask the person that you're messaging a question. If I would, if I would just finish with, you know, Hey, Jason, let me know when's good for you? Well, he's never going to let me know because I haven't asked them. But if I said, you know, Jason, do you have any time this week or next week for a call or zoom? Just like when you reached out to me, you asked me, you know, you said, would you want to come on and do a podcast recording and you asked me a question. I responded, yes, we'd love to. So there was a question there. Now, that as K to G team mentality, I started to apply to everything that I did on LinkedIn to other areas, specifically The content that I created, whether it was a post, a video, an article, because the big thing that people ask is, well, how do you increase your engagement? On LinkedIn? How do you get more people to engage in your content? my follow up question to that is, are you asking them to engage? Knowing what what do you mean? And I say, Well, are you asking them to comment below? Are you asking them to share their thoughts? Are you asking them to comment what their biggest takeaway was? Because if you don't ask people to comment, if you don't ask people to share their thoughts, or what their biggest takeaways were, guess what, they're not going to do that. So whenever I'm doing a live training, whenever I'm doing a long form post, whenever I'm doing, in addition to my newsletter, I'm on LinkedIn. The last thing people will see in the content is, what was your biggest takeaway from today's piece of content? Comment below. So I'm directing people, not so much what it is that I want them to do. But I want to hear back from that person who read through the content that watched the video that read the article, what they took away, because that's going to tell me what points of concern, were most relatable to that specific person. Now, one of the easiest ways to do this right away on LinkedIn, is leveraging the LinkedIn poll feature. And this can be done on the mobile app or the desktop. When you click Start a post, it gives you a different different templates of types of things you can post, whether you want to do a newsletter article, a post, a video, a picture, and then you'll see a poll, it's a little bar graph. A poll is a question. So you have no choice but to ask people. So I always tell people, you know, if you want to find out an area of concern, or an area of struggle, or an area where people are looking to improve once a week, do some market research, every smart business person knows, okay, I can't serve everybody. But I want to serve those that I should be serving in the best way possible. And one of the best ways in order to find out how you can serve those people, is by asking them quick, clear questions that relate to their problems that you're going to get clear feedback and answers that you can then obviously couple into more relatable content. So a simple question I asked my audience a week or two ago was, do you set goals for your business each year? And you know, it was yes, I do. Yes. But not every year? Not at all, but I have to start to so then I saw that most people, the majority of the people that voted, do it sometimes or never. So that told me okay, this is a gap in my network right now. They need to understand the power and the reasoning behind why you should be setting goals each year. So then that led me to doing a LinkedIn live training on the three goals that you should have for LinkedIn each and every year. So taking a market research problem that was being revealed to me through a question that I asked and coupled that into a live training to benefit those that wanted to learn what goals they should be setting each year for LinkedIn, and how that can improve their business. But again, not charging a thing, free training, poor value, and build that know, like and trust.
Jason Croft
Yeah. And the distinction there too, is that because of that poll, those poll results that can even affect how you title, that presentation and go into that presentation. Because it isn't, you know, the top goals for the goal setters and blah, blah, blah and speaking that language. Here's why this is important for basically for those who aren't doing it right now, because you know, that's the majority of folks and I love that I love that distinction in there. And it's so funny that we have this feeling about it certainly with our own stuff right when we put it out that well, I should have to ask people like they know if I'm putting it out there like hey, if it spurs conversation it does and you know if I put my thought out there, and the top salespeople, the top marketing people, the top psychologists in this world are just like hammering us have the data, just like know, if you want something to happen, you have to tell people go do this. And that doesn't mean they're always going to. But they're almost always not going to. If you don't do that, yeah. And it's, you know, it's this tiny little thing that maybe feels weird. But you know, when you're talking about asking in a direct message to, I would much prefer someone messages me and LinkedIn just like, hey, this this this, I was wondering that and like, get to the point rather than Hey, Jason, how you doing today? When I don't know them? I don't you know, and you just know, you're just oh my gosh, what do you want to the chase? Exactly? Oh, my gosh, it's, it's just such a cleaner. If people are so afraid of that, I think? No,
Scott Aaron
well, I think it's two things, I think it's one they're afraid of asking. But number two, they're taking advice from the wrong people. Any highly skilled sales coach, or business coach or consultant knows the power of direct communication. Because anyone that wants to be communicated with wants to be communicated with in a very clear, concise, and specific way. Anyone that gets those 18 paragraph long drunk alog verbal vomit messages, they're not going to respond, that's an I talked about this this morning on my live, that's an automatic, block, Delete and Remove that person as a connection. Because, again, they're not interested in my connection, they're interested in just pitching and selling me whatever they are in that message. And the idea of LinkedIn is to network and connect, not pitch and sell. So there, and it's, I don't put the full blame on these individuals, I don't, I put the blame on the people that are teaching these these tactics. So I feel I almost, I'm empathetic and very sympathetic to these individuals, because I feel bad that they've wasted money, hiring or working with specific coaches that are teaching them these tactics that do not work anymore, especially in 2022. Moving into 2023, it's the long game approach, you know, the longer that you stay in the game, the more likely you are going to win it. And everybody is looking for this spray and pray mentality where I'm just going to, you know, connect with a bunch of people send out a bunch of messages, and hopefully something falls through the cracks that ends up amounting into some sort of monetary transaction, which never happens.
Jason Croft
Right? Because it's so much easier to hide behind the, the keyboard to hide behind the automation aspect. And, you know, play the numbers. And it's, it's just fascinating to me, I just, I just can't, I can't stand it. Even when I've been in the roles where I'm supposed to do that, or something like that. I just like, there's no point in this. This is a fruitless endeavor. And that that's always led me to, okay, what's the creative version? What's the human version of this that I can go do and reach out? And just really, you know, start a conversation. And I think, because of those folks who are out there, sometimes it's, it's harder to start that conversation and approach somebody the way you and I would approach somebody, which is like, yeah, you know, your, your profile did interest me, like, I love that article I saw, I really just want to have this conversation just to connect the same way you would at a networking event or something like that, and really want to have a conversation, but we're so guarded that. It's like, okay, when's the pitch coming? You know, right. Right, man, it's, it's tough. And there's so there's so many elements, I think, around that, that asking, it's not just, Oh, I've got to ask, but there's, there's, you know, from your profile to everything else, you're posting all these things that kind of go around that asking activity on LinkedIn. And I know you help people with this as well. I mean, my gosh, you've got a podcast, networking sales leads, helping helping folks there. You and your wife, have a Facebook group around all about LinkedIn, doing better there. You've got a book out, courses out, I love this. And I'd love even more details on all that stuff that you have going. But also, you know, how are you guiding people with those elements that go around the ask, so to speak?
Scott Aaron
Well, I think you have to, number one, focus on the end goal in mind. And I think this is something that's not done enough of, so my wife and I always sit down the beginning of every November And we talk about our goals for the upcoming year. And we break everything down. So it's not just how much money we want to make. It's, you know, how many clients do we want to work with? How many people do we want in our mastermind? How many courses do we want to sell? How many members do we want in some of our SaaS products? Right? How many emails do we want to grow our email list by? I mean, very granular goals. Because again, we can then start to put a monetary number, if we know how many emails we want to grow by this time next year, and we break everything down. And I think there's a lot of people that they say, Well, I just want to make more money, just want to make an extra, you know, 10,000 hours a month, okay? If you want to make an extra $10,000 a month, with what you have product wise, or, you know, program wise, what's it going to take to make that? And a lot of people I don't know, well, if you didn't know, how would you make that money? Because again, I think people make the mistake. They throw these darts at a dartboard. We're like, Yeah, I want to make 50k a month. Okay, great. How do you want to make that 50k a month? What are you going to do to make that 50k Now is that 50,000 A month, active income, where you're just coaching people all the time, so you're constantly having to sell, sell, sell, or is that passive, where you have reoccurring revenue, which is what my wife and I focus on, we focus on teaching people how to grow reoccurring revenue streams, whether that's a six or 12 month mastermind, that is a reoccurring monthly payment, whether that's a mid tier group program, that is either a six or 12 month reoccurring revenue stream, lower ticket stuff, $19 a month, $49 a month where, again, the more people you have, the more and that's the thing. Now, if between everything that you have, if you're making 30 $35,000, a month reoccurring, and that's ongoing, now you can start to allocate some of that money to investing back into your business, whether it's a marketing plan, or ad campaigns, or PR, whatever it is. So I think it's the whole ask, you have to ask yourself, what do you want? What is your goal? And don't be vague? You know, vague goals equate to vague results. But clear, and actionable goals, create clear and actionable results. And that's the big thing that people need to start focusing on.
Jason Croft
Yeah, big time. I love that too. And that's a great distinction. And I want to call out something here for folks, you know, listening to that. If they if they don't know the how maybe they have this monetary goal, they don't know how they're gonna get there, even if they have a mechanism already a business or anything like that, like, I want to make this big leap. But But I don't know how, and you've sorted a line that out for us, right? There is like, Okay, well, well, let's break this down further, right. Number one, you should know your numbers now and your activities going in that create whatever you're making now. Okay, can you quadruple those activities? If not, let's figure out another another method. The other thing like you, like you brought up, how do you want to do this in terms of what you're you do every day, right? Do you want to keep doing you know, just quadruple what you're doing? Or you want to find these passive areas? And if you do, and you don't know how cool, but now you now you know, now there's something starts to form of like, well, oh, this is possible. Let me find out who I need to talk to, to sort of get me in that direction. Because then like, like that list of everything that that you go through with your wife every November. Now there's a filter to everything. Oh, okay, well, this JV opportunity here. Is that going to get us? Does that fit in here at all with what we want to do? Well, no, because it's not going to get us to these numbers that we want to hit, you know, or yes, it does. And that's a big the biggest thing, I think, to have that clarity so that you can make decisions from there each and every day, right?
Scott Aaron
Well, I think for us, it's understanding that, you know, people want to achieve certain things in life and in business. It's very easy for them to state what that goal is, but then when you break down the tangibles of what it takes to get there. They don't know where to start. And that's partly the reason why my wife and I started our mastermind, because, you know, we were joining masterminds ourselves, and we enjoyed them. But there was always something missing. So we kept trying to seek and find those missing pieces. Because we knew the construct of how a lot of these things worked. And I think that's what really makes my wife and I really special is because we're in the trenches, understanding how the back end of a lot of these businesses work. And there's a lot of, you know, coaches that just outsource everything. I mean, we outsource stuff, don't get me wrong, we have a team of 10 or 11. Now, but we know how to build landing pages. We know how to build email sequences, we know how to generate lead magnets, we know how to do website optimization, we know how to use Kajabi and Karcher with which are two CRMs. And do email drip campaigns, do Event registrations. We know how to set all that up now. Because if you rely too much on outside sources to build your business, it's not going to happen the way that you want. Because the person that cares most about your business is yourself, not the other people. And I take pride and I know my wife does as well, in knowing how to do all those things, because there's a lot of business coaches where you'll join their mastermind. And they can't answer a lot of the questions because they've never done it because they've outsourced it, which actually it's not taking anything away from the skill set that that coach has. It just doesn't make them as diverse. And for us, we love knowing all the small nuances and tangibles. Because when people ask that question, well, how did you get this successful? We can give them specific things that we did that allowed us to become successful? Well, you know, we grow our email list, you know, to 13,000 over the last two years, you know, we do nine launches a year and we get X amount of people registering, we charge for, you know, so many workshops a year we sell out 10 spots every time that we launch our our mastermind, so we know the specifics on the back end, that allows us to see the front end result. And I think of a lot of people started breaking down exactly what they wanted to achieve in a very, very granular way, not being vague. And working with the right people. So we in essence, we created a program and a mastermind that we were always looking for. And now we don't have to look for it, because we created it. And now people just get to join it and get to plug into their business, everything that we've done to get to where we are and where we're going. And that's the other thing. Yes, we may be many steps ahead. As far as where we are in our business. It doesn't make us unrelatable. Because the path that a lot of people are on that are in our program, we've been on that path, we're still on that path, we're just a few miles up the road. And we're just bringing you on faster, and in a more streamlined way. Because, you know, we've gone down that road, so we know exactly where the potholes are, we know where those cops are hanging out where the speed traps are, right? So we know when you should slow down when you should speed up when you should maybe take a different road, because we're going through all that for you. So you don't have to make the same mistakes that we did.
Jason Croft
That's great. And as you found those went through all these other masterminds? Was it always something different missing in each of these? Or was there a common thing that was missing? Or was that just that sort of, they have everything themselves?
Scott Aaron
It was the How to so I mean, again, some were really good from a tangible aspect, there was one mastermind that we joined. And it really taught us, you know how to position ourselves with a featured product, or course or mastermind, and how to deliver it and had to fill it. But the structure of how the business was to be grown with full time employees and growing that way. It didn't sit well with us because we teach people how to build small but mighty businesses. So high revenue, low overhead, high profit margin, right. That's what we teach. We don't teach the opposite. There's a lot of people that say, Listen, make a million dollars a year in your business, you know, pay out 60 to 70% of that and you're still making $300,000 a year, but that's before taxes, so you're really only making about $180,000 a year. I'd rather do the opposite. I'd rather make 75% paying out 25% And up courting, you know, plan accordingly with my quarterly tax payments with our with our company. So we're able to keep most of what we're making. The other masterminds were we were in yes, they, they were great for networking. And that's what we ended up realizing that, you know, there's a big difference between a program and a mastermind and ours is a hybrid, it's definitely half mastermind, half program, because we have tangibles in there. I'm great at networking, I love people, I, I strike while the iron is hot. But for people that are not natural, natural networkers, they've just spent a lot of money to be in a room with a lot of people that are also making a lot of money. And that's really it. So for me, and I thought, you know, the one mastermind I was joining, I thought it was going to be a little bit more of the how tos, you know, getting my business from here to here. And what allowed me to take my business forward was the relationships that I built in that mastermind. So from, from that perspective, did I get more knowledgeable in business tools? No. But did I gain a lot of great relationships that allowed me to further that connection, but also create income opportunities? Yes. So there was a benefit to it. But And as Nancy, and I started to step back, we're like, Okay, what do we want? You know, instead of us trying to seek out and find these things, let's just take the knowledge of what we know and how we've done it, and how we're still doing it. And let's teach it to other people. And that's how we created it.
Jason Croft
That's great. Yeah, and that's such an empowering thought, when you look up and go, Wait a second. What? Why don't we just do what's right, you know, and, of course, you want to have a level of experience and what you offer and everything to but there's 100 different different ways you can design that too. So that, you know, if you have to bring in somebody else for this knowledge, or this knowledge or something like that, but you can still design and grow community, you just talked about, you're great at networking already, like you are good at that. Awesome, bring the people together, you know, and level up that. It's, it's, I just love that distinction. And I hope, I hope that slaps people in the face more than more than not, you know, with whatever they're, they're going out and, and paying for over and over again, still not finding it still in that search. And just like, you know, what, those are people who started those things. I'm a people. I think there's something here that's just that possibility. Thinking is expansive, and just so important.
Scott Aaron
Yeah, I mean, again, work with people that get people results. That's what Nancy and I focus on everything that we do, every program that we have, has been built and created to better people's businesses, there's just a price tag attached to it. And it's, and trust me for what we charge for everything that we do, doesn't even come close to the value of what we provide. And that's what we love. You know, we we undersell, and we over deliver. And that, that's one of our things that we really pride ourselves on, because we don't want to sell, sell, sell and pitch. We want to provide that value, and over deliver on everything that we're doing, where people just walk away with their heads spinning because it's so much valuable information. And again, that's what lights us up knowing that when someone makes that investment in themselves in something that we offer, we know if they follow the steps, and they join the communities that we have, and they work with us. If they follow everything that we suggest, and they're open and coachable and they push themselves, their businesses will be transformed.
Jason Croft
Oh, yeah. How much? How much accountability is sort of layered in with some of your masterminds in courses? Or is it you know, hey, we put it out there. It's up to you to be a grown up and do it are a nice little combo or?
Scott Aaron
Yeah, it's, it's a combo. So just to kind of give you an example, we we have a SaaS product called BYOB social. It's a social media posting platform much like HootSuite or buffer. So anyone that joins the community, they have a whole content portal that we put together, but we also do a monthly co working session with all the members where we hop on a private zoom with those that are subscription members. And we give them 60 minutes of our time and help them create their content for the upcoming month. Give them ideas, what they could be posting about, answer any questions they have. So they know that they can lean on us and I mean, it's a 49 day Our a month SAS membership. So we know that we're giving them way more than what they're investing. We also have a mid tier, year long program called expert foundations, which teaches new entrepreneurs how to lay down the foundations of getting their business up and going. And it's around 249 a month for the, you know, each month for the year. And it is a self paced throughout the entire year. But we actually have a great software that we use called experience, FYI, where we gamified it where they get points, they can unlock bonus trainings, if they're accountable, they get extra time with us. But if they haven't logged in, in a couple of weeks, we have set it up where it will send a personal email for myself and Nancy, just say, hey, just checking in. Notice you haven't logged in for a couple of weeks Everything okay? Reach out to us if you need any help. In our High Level Mastermind, we meet every week with our members. So every Thursday for an entire calendar year, 52 weeks, we meet every single week. And it's Hi accountability. And not even that we've added a Monday Mindset call on Mondays that are bonuses, we have a monthly book club call. So we all read a book together for the month. And then each month, each member also gets a quarterly strategy session with myself and Nancy to kind of go over what their specific goals are. So we can hold them accountable. So we're very big on accountability. We want people to know that we're there for them. Because again, the investment they made is not just in what we're going to teach, the investment has been made in us. So it's our responsibility to show up the way that we would show up for them. And we want to be there every step of the way. So we make make ourselves very available during the days that we do work. We only work Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays. So our our people know that, you know if it's outside those days, they're going to have to wait till the next business day. But we have a great support team behind us as well, that jumps in and answers any questions. So we've really set people up where they can lean on us to ask questions at any point where they're going to get their answers.
Jason Croft
That's powerful, super strong, I like that. Because there is a nice blend of I just love that approach of like, Hey, we're here for you. Well, 100%, but we're not going to sit there and cradle you and hope and wish and you know, call you on the phone to wake you up in the morning to get your stuff done. I mean, there's a nice, give and take of like, we show up 100% For everyone who shows up on a present. Right. I think that's a great, great distinction. And there and, you know, speaking of showing up, you know, what's something that that these folks can do? You know, as we, you know, started this conversation and kind of wrap it back to that LinkedIn ecosystem, specifically as growing their business. What's, what's one of the strongest things someone can do to show up on LinkedIn? In all of these ways that we've been talking about as a professional, making sure you ask, you know, finding your people what's, what's one of those those big giant levers they can they can utilize? Yeah, I
Scott Aaron
would say outside of just the general messaging and conversations offline. I had a corporate speaking of nit keynote over the weekend out in California. And what I said to these individuals is same thing I would say to anybody, focus on providing three pieces of value added content a week, and making sure that this content doesn't sell or pitch. It's just pure educational, pure informational, and pure relationship building. And I broke it down, you know, Monday, do a video. And that could be a two to four minute pre recorded video right from your phone and uploaded right to the app. Or it could be a 15 or 20 minute LinkedIn live training, which I do twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. And this is your opportunity for people to see you feel you and hear you. But it also you're providing that value where you're building that know like and trust and something that I always come back to. It's a foundation for us is no one buys anything from anyone that they don't know, like or trust. So you have to make that daily and weekly deposit of education and information through the value added piece of content that you create, to bring people across the bridge, and they'll look to invest in you when they're ready. Wednesdays going back to something that we stated earlier about LinkedIn polls, Wednesday is when you want to do your market research. So again, if you want to find out what people are struggling with, if you want to find out what they need help with, just ask them because I Again, they will reveal to you the things that they're struggling with, they will reveal to you the things they need help with, they will reveal to you what it is that they're looking to improve. Because as you get those responses and the people voting within that poll, on Friday, you can do a longer form, either newsletter article, or long form post up to 3000 characters. That speaks directly to the information that was posted in that market research poll from two days prior. So if you've asked a question, and you can see that, you know, your audience is having X problem with this specific answer that you put in that poll, all you have to do is provide that information in a very, very easy to read, actionable, and tangible longer form post that gives two or three value added tips that speak directly to the problem providing some solution points. So if people wrap their arms and their hearts around that, where yeah, you're going to be connecting and messaging and building those relationships offline. But in between all of that, being the go to source, being the expert in that space by providing that value added commentary and content Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, is gonna set you apart from everyone else, and will allow you to be seen as the expert in your space.
Jason Croft
Yeah, it in the end, they feed each other. Right. So if you are out there connecting messaging, the offline, you know, aspect, they're going to go to link, they're going to check, they want to see your activity, they're going to check those last few things, even if you're not yet showing up in their in their feed, they're going to check that stuff. But the other feeds it as well, because you can have those elements, if someone is just coming across one of your video posts or long form articles. Again, wrapping it around there with experts. Oh, who's the author? Oh, and you've got a, you know, that headline that grabs? Oh, that's interesting. Let me dig in there. Heck, and then you can even use it in your messaging, if you've got this amazing, helpful article. Oh, now I'm going to reach out to so and so directly and say like, Hey, I just wrote this thing. I think it would, it would be helpful to you. I don't know if you've seen it, you know, you can just bounced back and forth like that. So strong. Yeah. Yeah. And that. Tell me, tell me, what do you think to on like, I am down for like just this giving content. But I would say to folks, too, don't be afraid to make that ask to make not even an ask. But just let people know how they can, they can work with you right in, you can do it in every single post, you can do it in one a week, you can do it in whatever. Because I think there's such a natural, easy way to give all this value, and then just go, oh, you know, by the way, this is what I help people with all the time, if you ever need it, reach out, let me know. And people are so terrified of that often, right, you know, the same people who maybe are scared of making that ask in their post or whatever it is. And I think there's an easy way to do that to where it's, again, we have to be obvious with folks of this is this is the business I'm in this is why I'm giving this value, because it's how I help people. So I've experienced it, but also, this is how I help people. Right. And so if you need that little extra bit, and if you're ready for that, here I am.
Scott Aaron
Yeah, I think it comes down to the fact that, you know, as long as you're providing high value and information, prior to the ask, you're fine. And I think that's what people get worried about, like, oh, you know, do I let people know how they can work with me. So again, if you're pouring value into people with the content that you're sharing, that gives you the right, to let people know how they can work with you. If you're just blasting out a sales pitch, or spamming people, providing no relevant content, information, education or anything of that nature, the know you've discredited yourself to, then let people know how it is that they work with you. But if you're that person that's leading with value, you're constantly giving, giving, giving, giving, you know giving free value away, you can absolutely say listen, I hope you're enjoying my content and all the free tips. If you're ever interested in learning more about how I work directly with people one on one or in a group setting, you know, just go to my website, here it is or send me an email here it is or visit my LinkedIn profile where you can schedule a call and it can be as something as very natural and free flowing is that
Jason Croft
yep, I love it. All right. What is your ask? Scott Aaron, for this audience?
Scott Aaron
Yeah, if anybody wants to learn more about me and how I serve my communities, obviously, you can visit my website, which is www dot, Scott You can also visit any of my social media, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, I'm always putting out content I do. I do two free LinkedIn trainings a week, Mondays and Thursdays on LinkedIn. So if you ever want to kind of get a taste of my methodology, my mindset, the way that I do things on LinkedIn, that's a great way to learn from the FAR first. And if it kind of strikes a chord, and it kind of hits home with things that you're looking to do, you can always take the next step and set up a call and you can learn how I can work with people.
Jason Croft
Great, and who's who said, the kind of ideal folks I know, you kind of have, you have a few categories there, but who should be reaching out?
Scott Aaron
Yeah, I would say, you know, coaches, consultants, online business owners, you know, course creators, people that want to create more passive streams of income based on a skill set that they have, if they want to have their own mastermind, they want to create a coaching program or a course, they're doing a lot of one on one, and they want to kind of step away from the active income side of it, and start building some passive income. You know, those are the people that we love working with them, teaching them how to do that.
Jason Croft
Perfect. Scott, thank you so much. You have definitely done what you preach and given a lot of value today, so I appreciate it.
Scott Aaron
Well, Jason, I appreciate you very much and grateful to be on the program today. And I hope I left the audience better.
Jason Croft
Oh, definitely. We'll see you all next time. Thanks so much for tuning in and being a part of this show. If you want to help creating Authority building video content or even a client generating show of your own, got immediately it's And let's connect. I'll talk to you soon on the next strategy and action.
LinkedIn Expert, Best Selling Author, Coach, and Podcaster
Internationally acclaimed and award-winning online marketer, 3x best-selling author, top podcaster, and speaker, Scott Aaron, is the go-to specialist in converting traffic, establishing connections, generating leads, creating sales, and building personal brands, all by using LinkedIn.
Fully immersing himself in learning LinkedIn and social media strategies, Scott quickly gained traction as a leader in generating big results for other entrepreneurs, online business owners, and business coaches.
Scott is passionate about helping fellow entrepreneurs achieve success while building their own network organically and without complicated and costly marketing tactics.
His program has helped thousands experience explosive growth following his proven system and strategies.
People-focused and result-driven, Scott's strategic approach to teaching others how to create wealth online and organic traffic is the game changer when it comes to competing in a saturated digital world.