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Sept. 13, 2022

Ep48 Larry Kaul - How to Find Real Clarity in Your Business

Larry Kaul is on the show today. 

I met Larry on LinkedIn like many of my guests lately.  It's been a fantastic place to just really come alive and network with some amazing folks.  And Larry is a great example of that.

I had a blast having this conversation around the topic of clarity.  It's such a foundational skill to be able to identify exactly what you want to accomplish.  Today, we talk a lot about clarity when it comes to your business, both in starting one from scratch and when you're three years in, for example, and you keep hitting the same obstacles.

Larry has an amazing process for not only identifying those obstacles but finding the root obstacle of them all.  And then being able to help you work past that one so that you open up the floodgates.  Then you can figure out how to get to where you want to go.  And it sounds easy on the surface. Unless of course, you've been in that situation like I certainly have, and a lot of people I know have, which is either starting a business, creating a new offer, whatever that might be, and hitting those roadblocks sometimes just within yourself and struggling to figure out which direction you really want to go.  

So we dig into finding that clarity and really working through how he's helping his clients, how he helped himself, and what you can take away and do as well.

Larry Kaul Profile Photo

Larry Kaul


Larry Kaul has owned and operated 4 different businesses over his 22-year career working for himself.

He made $17M in revenue over this period but often felt like he was walking down a dark corridor in a dream with the door at the end getting further and further away, despite his efforts to run faster.

This all changed on September 20th, 2020, as he turned his business over to a partner to run and founded what is now called Solopreneur Inc.

Larry had realized that it was on him to find a better way to win the self-employment game, or he would never feel content with his accomplishments.

After over a year of studying the best of the best, he realized that what worked was to get clarity on what he wanted and the primary obstacles in his way and then remove them one at a time, starting with the biggest one.

This led to creating the Solopreneur Inc. Live Your Best Life program, designed to help others identify and remove the major obstacles standing in their way of true self-employed success.