Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Transformation, Gratitude, and the Strength of Service.
It's one thing to believe in the idea of gratitude, helping people out, and living with energy.
It's a whole different thing to be a shining example of it for everyone you come in contact with.
Danny Galvez is one of those people (and I know hundreds of folks who would agree!).
I fully believe that Danny's "giving" spirit and driving work ethic are what have attracted many of the seemingly impossible opportunities to come into his life.
From an incredible scholarship coming out of high school to finding his passion in radio and getting on air faster than he was "supposed to", to building sales skills and meeting people who would change his business life forever, Danny's drive and positive energy have not only attracted those opportunities but allowed him to work full out to take advantage of them as well.
Danny dives into some great stories about these moments and will be the first to tell you that finding your path and staying positive and grateful isn't easy. But it's worth it.
Danny's new endeavor, Voice Your Life is taking his master of audio in all of its powerful forms and helping people utilize it in building their legacy.
I encourage you to check out this episode with Danny and find a way into Danny's world. It's a beautiful place.